Get Involved
Want to Get Involved and Save Lives?
Getting involved can be as simple as lifting up a prayer.
We have many needs at Life Line Pregnancy Center, and funding is just one aspect of them. We’re also looking for partners who will remember to lift up the women we reach and their unborn children in their prayers. If you can help with light office work and assist us in some of our long-term projects, we would love to hear from you.
We’ve outlined a few ways you can get involved. We would appreciate your time, donations and service.
3 Ways to Get Involved with Life Line
1. Become a Prayer Partner
We know that prayer makes a huge difference in Life Line Pregnancy Center’s mission and the lives we touch. You can sign up to be a prayer partner by calling 910-799-0270 to receive real-time prayer requests and client updates. You’ll be able to see how you are helping save and transform lives.
2. Volunteer
We need your help! We’re always looking for volunteers who can help with projects, monthly cleaning and light office work.
3. Make a Monetary Donation
We believe in being good stewards of what we have been given. We use your money responsibly to ensure that it enables us to help as many women and babies as possible. We clearly outline this in our Donor Bill of Rights.
All donations are tax-deductible.
It’s simple and easy to give online.
Ready to get involved in our Life Line Pregnancy Center? Or maybe you would like to help or serve in other ways. Simply contact us, for additional information.